Women use Tinder for this reason But Men have another reason

Why do we use Tinder? In fact why do we use any of the dating apps that are available out there? Is it because we like the idea of swiping and picking from a catalogue, the love of our life? Or is it because we are eager to find someone for company? The reasons are as many as the users. Or so you think. Thanks to a study we now know exactly why women and men use Tinder and other dating apps. Unsurprisingly, the reasons are mindbogglingly diverse.

The study that was conducted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) reveals that women often use Tinder and other dating apps as a self-affirmation of their attractiveness while men look for casual sex and short-term relationships.
Image result for Women use Tinder for this reason (and it’s not why men use it)

“Women use dating apps to feel better about themselves more than men do,” a report quoted Mons Bendixen, Associate professor at NTNU as saying. He also said that being considered as a potential partner by other users in an app is a positive reaction. Lead author of the study and a clinical psychologist at NTNU, Ernst Olav Botnen said that men, on the other hand, look for casual sex and short-term relationships when they are using dating apps.

The study also revealed that women spend way more time than men on dating apps but this could be because, women take longer to consider each of their potential matches before they decide to move on, irrespective of their decision. Whereas men are apparently more efficient as they pursue more matches in less time and also makes quicker decisions if they want to meet them or not. Men are also more likely to initiate contact than women according to the study which was published in the journal Personality and Individual differences.
Image result for Women use Tinder for this reason (and it’s not why men use it)

The results were based on a study conducted on over 640 students at the Norwegian University. These students were aged between 19 and 29. The study also showed that dating apps are just another arena for casual sex and not exactly a development leading to a change in sexual behaviour.

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