Gizz9 Gaming Guide - How to survive PUBG Mobile’s Darkest Night

Well, after downloading the more than 400MB update (including the new map data) you should have got PUBG Mobile’s latest update which includes EvoGround, a new in-game chat menu and more. One of the major updates was Darkest Night where you have to survive much stronger zombies (12 frickin waves of them), toxic gas during night time and a 29:59 time limit. This time around, we’re doing a short guide on How to survive PUBG Mobile’s Darkest Night.

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Overall, there’s some new weapons like the RPG-7 (a bazooka) and a much bigger extended mag. There’s also a liquid nitrogen mine that freezes your enemies and slows them down (only a little bit). The only new enemies seem to be Hooded Zombies and Zombie dogs but all zombies in Darkest Night are now stronger, faster and come in much greater quantity. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.


Plenty of benefits staying in a team this time around

Just like the first zombie mode “Survive till Dawn” you should always try to stay with your team. Doing so not only lets you have a buddy to keep your back safe and revive you, but you also get team recovery benefits like getting healed a bit when you kill zombies with your teammates.

I’ve tried it with just me and another teammate, but it’s best if you can keep the whole team of 4 alive. This is because swarms of Lickers, Shield Zombies and Exploding Fat Zombies will come at you in the later waves (wave 7 and above). You can survive on your own, but only if you’re very lucky (as in, the play zone or white circle stays over you and you have a good location where zombies can’t get to you very easily). 


Zombie dogs now? Thank goodness this wide open space lets me move about

Now that there is toxic gas, you can no longer run about outside to escape zombies, so like it or not, you’re going to have to battle it out in a building. Find one with space to move about like a big building (RPD anyone?), one that has plenty of stairs or long passageways.

Open spaces will let you move about (try not to get cornered) and strafe. Just remember to help your teammates after you’ve taken care of your zombies. Or you can clump together with your team on the stairs or at the end of a long passageway and combine firepower, periodically going down or forward to pick up ammo and healing items. 


Toxic gas? Sigh, more things to kill me now. 

Thankfully, waves don’t come all at once. There will be about 10 second “Coming” intervals where you can heal and reload and during the daytime zombies still become a bit slower. If you have them, use drinks or pills in this time to regenerate health during battles, but always prioritize your main health first.

If you’re in a team, take turns to heal during battle. Ask them to cover for you and while your compatriots take out the zombies, go heal or revive those who got knocked out. You’ll last longer that way.


Got antidote will travel... RPD anyone?

Now with the toxic gas, you can get poisoned (your health goes down) out in the open at night time. But, if you have the antidote, you’ll notice a thin green bar over your health bar showing how long you can survive outside at night without being affected by the toxic gas (or take a run at it during daytime). This is good news, as the play zone (the white circle) still shrinks in Darkest Night mode.

Once you’ve injected some antidote, you can move to other places during the night time, so even if the play zone continues to shrink, it doesn’t mean you have to die needlessly. Do bear in mind that some buildings (like the open Church near Pochinki) do not keep out the toxic gas, so don’t head there if you’re running low on antidote. 


Dafug?! Where's my Shotgun ammo? 

For me, weapon drops were quite limited, 5 out of 5 times I’d mostly get UZI’s, UMP9’s and shotguns although sometimes I’d find an RPG-7 (AKMs, S12Ks and more are available from the clumps of zombies scattered about). That being said, I found that shotguns worked the best to kill zombies. One shot usually cleans up a zombie in the early waves while higher-level enemies like the fat zombie needs 3 or 4 shots.

I’m not saying its wrong of you to machinegun the zombies to death, it’s just that shotguns seem to work better, at least for me. You do sometimes get better weapons in the later waves, but strangely enough you barely get enough ammo with the guns you’re using. As always, do keep the combat knife handy, its surprisingly useful when you’re nearly dead and there’s only 1 or 2 zombies left.

Yep, it's certainly possible

Of course, you can still go and take on the Tyrant AND players from other teams will still be trying to take you out. But if you follow these tips, they should let you survive PUBG Mobile’s Darkest Night mode a bit better.

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