Flipkart-owned online fashion marketplace, Myntra, has today announced the launch of its new smart wearable device, the Blink Go, in India. The smart band is priced at Rs 4,199 and it is developed at Innovations Labs of Myntra-Jabong. The wearable will be available starting from Myntra’s End of Reason Sale, which will begin from June 22 and end on June 25.
Interestingly, the brand is offering a special discount on the fitness tracker during the sale. The band will be available for at an introductory price of Rs 1,679. The fitness tracker from Myntra allows users to monitor their fitness parameters and set goals. The band is the first product from the company after its recent acquisition of a Bengaluru-based smart wearables startup Witworks. The brand has also introduced its new platform called ‘Myntra Wearable Platform’ that will build a software for its wearable devices as well as the ones developed by the third-party manufacturers.
See Also: Amazon introduces monthly subscription for Prime Membership at Rs 129
"This is an exciting moment for Myntra as we foray into the connected wearable segment with our first product 'Blink Go' which is a perfect blend of fashion and technology to help our customers keep track of their goals and stay fit," Jeyendran Venugopal, Chief Technology Officer, Myntra, said in a statement.
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